Route: Goudet , Montagnac, Fourches, Bargettes, Preyssac, Boucet St.Nicolas, Landos.
We walk from Goudet to Boucet St.Nicolas. We are scheduled to sleep in Boucet St.Nicolas, but Jacob forgets to tell us and we are talking so much that we walk through the town, and end up in Landos, 6 kilometers further. At this point in time the walking is still easy, but not so easy that we decide to walk the 6 kilometers back.
We follow some signs of ‘Gites d’etappes’ in Landos and end up in a luxurious hostel (Les Fonds) for half the price with a room on the ground floor.
When de-saddling the donkeys, the first thing they do is roll around in the sand to itch their backs.