Day 3: Landos to Pradelles (17 Kms, approx. 205 m altitude gain, 435 m descent)
A Dutch hiker, who walked the same route, wrote this about it (in Dutch of course) ‘
‘In de schaduw van hoge naaldbomen wandelen we naar Pradelles, het hoogst gelegen stadje van Frankrijk (1160m). De middeleeuwse huizen, de klokketoren van de Notre Dame en discotheek Le Stevenson, maken dit plaatsje tot verplichte kost.’
We continue our hike. We saddle the donkeys right in front of our room. We walk to Pradelles, quite a tough march that day, and we barely make it.
We try to figure out ways to make it shorter, but there are no short-cuts. We find a lot of stone troughs on our way, filled with water. The donkeys will stop for everything that is green, and if it were up to them, you wouldn’t walk more than a kilometer per hour.
Hana has taken her drawing material along, and Jacob is always after bugs and other insects that bite or sting. In Pradelles, on the town square, we run – by accident – into opa, oma and Tien.
They decide to spend the night with us in the Gite d’Etappe. It is a memorable experience. We have great fun over dinner in the evening, so much in fact that the other guests in the restaurant throw us annoyed glances. The people that sleep that night in the same Gites as us will also not easily forget us; at night Opa breaks a bed, Jacob drags his mattress downstairs due to the noise level, Reinoud spends most of his night text messaging and everybody is awake due to flatulent disturbances.
A Dutch hiker, who walked the same route, wrote this about it (in Dutch of course) ‘
‘In de schaduw van hoge naaldbomen wandelen we naar Pradelles, het hoogst gelegen stadje van Frankrijk (1160m). De middeleeuwse huizen, de klokketoren van de Notre Dame en discotheek Le Stevenson, maken dit plaatsje tot verplichte kost.’